Patentes de Behr Process LLC
Las siguientes herramientas digitales de Behr están protegidas por patentes en EE. UU. y otros lugares. Es posible que el siguiente listado de herramientas digitales de Behr no esté completo y que existan otras herramientas y/o productos de Behr que no se encuentren en la lista pero sí estén protegidos por una o más patentes.
Es probable que la herramienta de coordinación de colores en línea, ColorSmart por Behr, esté cubierta por una o más de las siguientes Patentes en Estados Unidos: 6,563,510, 6,924,817, 7,187,386, 6,632,093, 7,193,632, 7,330,585, 7,230,629, 7,605,824, 7,999,825, 8,063,912 y 8,319,788. Es posible que existan patentes adicionales pendientes en EE. UU. y otros lugares.
Es probable que la herramienta de coordinación de colores en línea, ColorSmart por Behr, esté cubierta por una o más de las siguientes Patentes en Estados Unidos: 7,187,386, 6,632,093 y 8,319,788. Es posible que existan patentes adicionales pendientes en EE. UU. y otros lugares.
Es probable que la aplicación de coordinación de colores, ColorSmart por Behr Mobile, esté cubierta por una o más de las siguientes Patentes en Estados Unidos: 6,563,510, 6,924,817, 7,187,386, 6,632,093, 7,193,632, 7,330,585, 7,230,629, 7,605,824, 7,999,825 y 8,063,912. Es posible que existan patentes adicionales pendientes en EE. UU. y otros lugares.
* Important Disclaimer: Coverage calculator results are to be used only as estimates. Behr Process LLC cannot guarantee that you will achieve proper results without verifying your measurements and assumptions.
Get the look you want and the protection you need for any room in your home.
A flat sheen has a non-reflective finish that touches up well and hides minor surface imperfections.
Low-traffic areas; interior walls and ceilings
A matte sheen has a low-luster, reflective finish that is durable, easy to clean, touches up well and also hides minor surface imperfections.
Low-traffic areas; interior walls
Family rooms, living rooms, kids' rooms, bathrooms, dining rooms, ceilings
An eggshell enamel sheen has a soft, velvety appearance that resists dirt and grime, as well as mildew.
Moderate-traffic areas
Family rooms, living rooms, bedrooms, kids' rooms, hallways, dining rooms
A satin enamel sheen has a pearl-like finish that's easy to clean.
All interior surfaces; moderate- to high-traffic areas
Family rooms, living rooms, bedrooms, kids' rooms, hallways, kitchens, bathrooms, doors, windows, trim, cabinets, shutters, interior furniture
A semi-gloss enamel sheen is sleek and radiant resisting mildew, moisture and wear.
Cabinets and trim; high-traffic, high-moisture areas
Kids' rooms, hallways, kitchens, bathrooms, doors, windows, trim, cabinets, shutters
Hi-Gloss enamel sheens provide have a brilliant, shiny appearance and a durable, glass-like finish that allows dirt and grime to be wiped clean.
High-use surfaces
Kitchens, bathrooms, doors, windows, trim, cabinets, shutters, interior furniture
Set the right curb appeal with exterior painting efforts that last.
A flat sheen is non-reflective, and easy to apply and touch up. It will minimize the appearance of minor surface imperfections.
Wood and vinyl walls and siding; brick and other masonry; fences
A satin enamel sheen creates a pearl-like finish that's durable and dirt-resistant. It will also resist moisture, fading and stains.
Virtually all exterior surfaces
A semi-gloss enamel sheen is sleek and radiant with a hard, durable finish. It is formulated to withstand wear, and will also resist moisture, fading and stains.
Doors, trim and shutters; Exterior furniture
Hi-Gloss enamel sheen have a brilliant, shiny appearance and a durable, glass-like finish that allows dirt and grime to be wiped clean.
High-use surfaces
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